Mazher Hussain Abdul Ghani 

Nuestros amigos y patrocinadores:



Education: M. A English language and literature 


Experience: 7 years of teaching English as a second language in an international school as a teacher and councilor 


Country of stay and work: Saudi Arabia 


Profession: Teaching and training 


Published book: Enchanting Verses of Love 


Haraeen Mazher Hussain, a poet, teacher, trainer, and a councilor.
The world in which he was born and brought up inspired him to work for humans welfare and excited his soul to dwell deep into the seas of ecstatic words and realms of spiritual poetry. Dr. Seema Devi 
Read his tribute to Shakespeare 


"A sonnet on Shakespeare"
You the great composer of  the mysteries of love You own and master the art of playwriting 
You perfumed the seasonal love, glorified nature in your poetic conventions  
Summer's solstice, spring's equinoxes, conceit and fanciful comparisons.
Thy art, marvelous, O great painter of imagination and reality 
Your characters manifest the stream of life with gratitude
The envies, jealousy, and dearest love in Othello
The literary murmurs of romance and eternal love of Romeo and Juliet.
You described your ruminations and bereavements through your characters
Failed loves, bitterness, tenderness and lovers shielding beloved 
Your tales of love are immortal and written in the stars 
You painted the images of Autumn, twilight, ruins and dying fires.
The yearnings of young lovers, fading beauty in damsel of love poems make your work inspiring forever
You idealized the definition of love, the contentment of lovers and eternal beauty.